Semester: 5 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Biotechnology
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: biology, biochemistry, microbiology
Contact person: dr Marta Kuźmińska-Bajor
Short description: Subject presents usage and influence microorganism in the food industry. Characterizes groups of microorganisms useful and harmful in food production, course of both wanted and unwanted processes and changes caused by microorganisms. Introduces into sources of food contamination with pathogenic microflora and microbiological hazards in food production and consumption. Describe the methods of food preservation and necessary information on the principles underlying the production of safe food.
Full description: Microflora of raw materials and food products and its origin. Factors affecting the growth and survival of microorganisms in food. Microbial growth and metabolism of food components. Overview of spoilage, pathogenic and beneficial microbes existing in food. Bases of food preservation. Food microbiological quality management systems.
Bibliography: Compulsory: 1. Fundamental food microbiology, B. Ray & A. Bhunia CRP Press, Boca Raton-London-New York 2008. 2. Food Microbiology, M.R. Adams and M.O. Moss, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Redwood Books Ltd., Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 1997
Learning outcomes: After completing the course student In terms of knowledge: 1. has knowledge of beneficial usage of microorganisms and application of by-products in biotechnological processes, 2. has basic knowledge of the quality of both plant and animal raw materials, their processing methods and maintaining to ensure appropriate microbiological purity, 3. shows understanding of basic conditions of health and safety requirements and working practices. In terms of skills: 1. has mastered basic methods of analysis of food and food products in direction of biotechnical techniques, 2. understanding of importance of following hygiene rules and processing parameters during production, storage and distribution of food. In terms of social competences: 1. shows understanding the need of following processing parameters during production. Is aware of the risk to the health and life to consumers caused by pathogenic microflora, 2. has social competence in the field of teamwork.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: 50% score of exercises, 50% score of lectures

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